Wednesday 3 December 2014

Lady Gaga reveals she was raped as a teenager by a music producer

Lady Gaga has revealed she was raped as a teenager, she would have been about 19 at time that she was attacked, When asked about the rape she initially said: 'I don't...I don't want to... Happy times! Let's talk about happy things!'
The 28-year-old singer admits she 'went through some horrific things' when she was 19 and relied on 'a lot of mental and physical therapy' to help her to heal.
Lady Gaga confirmed she was raped by a music producer 20 years her senior.
Opening up: Gaga is interviewed by Howard Stern
'My music's been wonderful for me. But, you know, I was a shell of my former self at one point. I was not myself. 

To be fair, I was about 19. I went to Catholic school and then all this crazy stuff happened, and I was going, "Oh, is this just the way adults are?'...I was very naive."'
Asked if she had ever confronted the rapist, who was 20 years older than her, she said: 'I think it would terrify me. It would paralyse me.
'I saw him one time in a store and I was so paralysed by fear. Because it wasn't until I was a little bit older that I went, "Wow, that was really messed up."'#

Although Gaga did not name her attacker, representatives for the singer were later forced to deny claims by Kesha's lawyer that music producer Dr Luke, 41, was the man responsible. 
Attorney Mark Geragos tweeted, 'Guess who the rapist was?' And when a fan asked if it was Dr Luke, he responded '#bingo.'
Lady Gaga's representative told TMZ, the allegations are 'absolutely not true' although refused to comment on the identity of the attacker.
The spokesman later added: 'The Dr. Luke lawsuit is utterly incomprehensible. This simply isn't true and how dare someone take advantage of such a sensitive matter.'   
A representative for Dr Luke, real name Lukasz Sebastian Gottwald, told the website: 'Mark Geragos' statement is completely false and defamatory. Luke met Lady Gaga twice for less than half an hour total in those two meetings combined. He has never been alone with her and never touched her. Neither meeting was in that time frame reported.'
But Mr Geragos stood by his allegations, telling TMZ: 'I said it because it's true'. He mentioned the Bill Cosby allegations have 'now made others more courageous about coming out.'
What's more, The attorney said he wants to depose Gaga in Kesha's sexual assault lawsuit against Dr Luke, also telling TMZ that three other women 'not as famous'  claim to have similar experiences to Kesha and will be deposed as well. 
Back in October, the singer filed a lawsuit for sexual assault and battery against Dr Luke - allegations that he denies. 

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