Wednesday 17 December 2014

82-yr-old woman jailed for repeatedly stabbing her husband of 36 years in the back with her sewing scissors because she wrongly believed he was having an affair.

Elizabeth Stokes, 82-year-old repeatedly stabbed her husband of 36 years in the back with her sewing scissors because she wrongly believed he was having an affair, has been jailed for four-and-a-half years.
Elizabeth Stokes, of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, 'ambushed' her husband John, 69, in the middle of the night, stabbing him 13 times and puncturing both of his lungs.
He staggered to the bathroom, bleeding profusely, and she followed before telling him he had no means of escape because she had hidden his keys and phone, a court heard.

John Stokes, 62, was stabbed 13 times and left with both of his lungs punctured

Mr Stokes only managed to get help after shouting loudly out of the bathroom window to alert a neighbour, who called 999.

After a four day trial, a jury today convicted Stokes of wounding her husband with intent to cause him grievous bodily harm.
However, she was cleared of a charge of attempted murder. She had denied both charges.
Jailing her, Judge Jamie Tabor QC said she remained 'fixated' with the idea that her husband had been unfaithful and she would therefore still be a danger to him when she leaves prison.
Stokes (pictured), of Cheltenham, was jailed for four-and-a-half years at Gloucester Crown Court after being convicted of wounding with intent
Stokes (pictured), of Cheltenham, was jailed for four-and-a-half years at Gloucester Crown Court after being convicted of wounding with intent

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