Wednesday 31 December 2014

Woman forgives her Partner who cheated on the night She gave birth but guess what, She took him back.

Would you forgive a man that cheated on you on with another while you in labour???
That is a very big question because he is suppose to be very supportive as he is the father of the baby....

Sarah was in labour but her partner  (Chris Bennett) was no where to be found, the father of their soon-to-be-born child, was not seen.
While Chris Bennett had said he was too squeamish to witness the birth, he had promised to be standing outside.
But when he did arrive, it was hours after their son’s birth. Over the following days and weeks, Sarah became suspicious of 37-year-old Chris’s odd behaviour.
He was absent and secretive to the point Sarah turned detective, starting with his Facebook profile. There, she found a photo of Chris with a woman she later discovered he was having an affair with.
Worse, Chris had been with his mistress as Sarah was giving birth to their son.
“I was in shock,” says Sarah, “I just felt sick, and later so angry.
“He’d cheated on previous partners but always reassured me that I was the only serious partner he’d been faithful to. I believed he’d never cheat on me.”

Omg....Incredibly, Sarah forgave Chris just one week on from his betrayal. Today, they live happily together with four-year-old Robert and daughter Isabel, born this May.

“Dumping him would’ve been the easy option, especially after he betrayed me so badly,” says Sarah. “But we’ve worked through it.
“I know people say leopards never change their spots. I did ask myself, ‘Can he change?’ I guess I’ll never really know if he’ll ever cheat again. But I hope not.”

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