Saturday 6 December 2014

Erika Roe a public school girl who lifted her top - and men's hearts - at Twickenham 33 years ago, goes NAKED again at age 56

Thirty-three years ago Erika ran topless across Twickenham stadium, becoming the most famous streaker ever, the 56-year-old has agreed to reveal all, again.
It could be a rather deflating moment.
But being famous only for the buoyancy of your breasts is hazardous. Which is perhaps why Erika has become something of a recluse over the past three decades, shunning the limelight because she was horrified at becoming a sudden object of lust.
Famous: The scene of Erika running across the pitch in front of 60,000 fans at Twickenham during a rugby match between England and Australia in 1982 is etched in many people's memory
Now you see going naked had been happening long time ago, not just Kim Kardashian, Rihanna started it... See pics below

In her first interview in a quarter of a century, she admits: ‘At this stage in my life, I’ve got the best relationship I’ve ever had with my breasts. But we’ve been through a lot together.
‘I must admit when I hear of women having surgery to have theirs increased, I do think: “Are you mad?” They are a burden. They get in the way. You can’t sleep. You get rucks on your shoulders from bras. I’ve spent my whole life taking my bra off at the earliest opportunity — just to get some comfort.’
Charitable: Erika has posed for 12 nude photos, taken by her daughter Imogen, to raise money for a breast cancer charity after her sister died of the disease in 2011 aged 43
 Erika has posed for 12 nude photos, taken by her daughter Imogen, to raise money for a breast cancer charity after her sister died of the disease in 2011 aged 43
On that fateful day, January 2, spirits were high. 

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