Thursday 11 December 2014

Mother-of-five addicted to eating TOILET PAPER: She gets through an entire loo roll a day after developing bizarre cravings during pregnancy

Many women experience intense cravings during pregnancy, chocolates, biscuits, etc
But Jade Sylvester, 25, began to experience an even more bizarre urge: eating toilet paper.
The full time mother first developed the bizarre snacking habit while she was expecting her youngest son Jaxon.
The mother-of-five now eats as much as an entire loo roll's worth every day.

Jade Sylvester, 25, began to experience a bizarre craving for toilet paper when expecting her youngest son Jaxon. More than a year after giving birth she still cannot resist the cravings, and eats up to a loo roll a day. She is pictured left and right with some toilet paper
Jade Sylvester, 25, began to experience a bizarre craving for toilet paper when expecting her youngest son Jaxon. More than a year after giving birth she still cannot resist the cravings, and eats up to a roll a day. She is pictured left and right with some toilet paper
She suspects she suffers from Pica, a condition in which people eat objects which are not suitable to be consumed and have no nutritional value.
People have been known to eat dirt, glass, pain and sand, as well as household objects like carpets, candles and sponges. 
Miss Sylvester said: 'Two months into the pregnancy, I started craving toilet roll. I still don't know why.
'I like the feeling of the texture in my mouth, rather than the taste. I like the dryness.

1 comment:

  1. This is terrible! Is there no medical treatment for this? Angel hope u have xmas gift for me oooh? ( No b tissue paper ooh LOL)
