Saturday 28 February 2015

Cheating wife and lover having sex become stuck together after 'witch doctor curse'

Witch Doctor

Police had to break up a crowd gathered to see a cheating wife and her lover locked together during sex.
Scores of people flocked after a rumour spread that her husband had asked a witch doctor to put a curse on her private parts.
And although experts say the embarrassing experience was more likely to be a common medical phenomenon that causes the vagina to contract too much, there was no dissuading the mob.
Local media claimed unfaithful Sasha Ngema, 34, had been romping with toy boy Sol Qoboza, 22, at a rented apartment in Johannesburg, South Africa while her husband was away.
But they apparently could not separate after their romp with the tale going that suspicious hubby Neill, 42, had gone to a witch doctor who put a sex curse on his wife.
The spell - known as a muthi - is designed to make sure that anybody who is not the husband who attempts to have sex with the woman will remain stuck until the husband returns to exact revenge.
The shocked couple began calling for help which soon turned into screams as they became more worried about their compromising situation, according to local media.

Sasha Ngema

Neighbour Priscilla Ndlovu, 34, said: "At first I thought it was just the screams of sexual pleasure, but it turned out to be screams for help.
"I knocked on the door to see if everything was OK, and when I went in I saw him lying on top of her sobbing as she screamed to be freed."
By the time police arrived over 2,000 people had swarmed onto the street outside the apartment block shouting: "We want to see them! Show us the cheaters!”
A police spokesman said: "We had to use pepper spray to disperse the crowd."
The couple were reportedly taken to hospital but black magic specialist Sangoma Mathabo Mofokeng: said: "No one will be able to separate them until the woman’s husband comes back."

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