Saturday 21 February 2015

Real Life Story: ''I lost my nipple in botched boob job'': Laura Damiani explains how reckless plastic surgery ruined her life

Source: When Laura Damiani went in for a boob job - she expected to wake up feeling confident and ready to start her new life.
But she was left in agony after surgeons botched the procedure and cut off the blood supply to her nipple, causing her to lose it.
"I had been self-conscious about my breasts since the age of 14. One breast was larger than the other and I felt very awkward and uncomfortable," she explains.

The results of surgery
After years of struggling with her confidence, Laura went to see a surgeon and booked in for a operation to "fix" them.

"I did my research - checked out credentials. The surgeon had done work on my friends so I trusted him," she explains.
"I went into surgery feeling confident."

But waking up from the procedure, Laura knew there was something wrong.
"I was in severe pain," she explains. "It was unbearable. I knew there was something really wrong."
Laura called the clinic and arranged to go back in to see a surgeon.
"I had lost the blood flow - the circulation to my nipple. It was rotting inside - the tissue was dying.
"There was a huge amount of leakage and I needed severe corrective surgery.
"The wound took a year to heal."
The trauma of it all resulted in the breakdown of Laura's relationship.
Though she has now has reconstructive surgery, Laura will never be able to breastfeed.

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