Sunday 8 February 2015

World's most expensive condoms? Men paying £500 for pack of 36

Queueing in Caracas, VenezuelaQueueing in Caracas, Venezuela

Sex is expensive....lolsss...Soaring inflation in Venezuela has left couples in the country feeling deflated as the cost of their sex lives surges.
A pack of 36 condoms in the predominantly Catholic country now cost 4,760 bolívars - an eye-watering £495.
The nation - where abortion is illegal and rates of HIV infection and teenage pregnancy are among the highest in South America - has seen the price of household goods rocket after a collapse in oil prices.
According to a BBC report, oil makes up 95% of Venezeula's exports, and shop shelves have been left empty due to inflation caused by a lack of imported goods.
Lovers queue for blocks in the hope of picking up a packet of prophylactics, but some pharmacists in the capital, Caracas, have ran out entirely.
But now the president has ordered the takeover of private supermarket chain Dia a Dia, who he accused of causing food shortages.

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