Sunday 23 November 2014

Islamic Shebab extremists kill 28 Christians on Kenyan bus after asking passengers to prove they're muslims

28 Christians were killed yesterday morning Nov. 22nd after Islamic Shebab extremists ambushed a bus in Kenya as it headed for Nairobi from Mandera, a town close to Somalia.

According to reports, the heavily armed extremists separated the Muslims from the Christians by asking them to recite verses from the Qu'ran. Then they ordered the Muslims to get off the bus and then shot the Christians point blank in the head before escaping back to Somalia.

Regional police chief Noah Mwavinda also told AFP.

'I can confirm... that 28 innocent travellers were brutally executed by the Shebab.Some 60 passengers were on board the bus when it was seized by the gunmen.
Gunmen waved down the bus before spraying it with bullets when it did not stop. They then shot a rocket-propelled grenade at the vehicle, before commandeering the bus off the road .
They ordered the passengers to get off the vehicle before separating the travellers into Muslims and non-Muslims.
 One of the passengers on the bus, Ahmed Mahat, told the BBC
The driver tried to accelerate away, but the vehicle became stuck in mud caused by recent heavy rains.About 10 heavily-armed men speaking Somali ordered the passengers off the bus.
"When we got down, passengers were separated according to Somali and non-Somalis,"

"The non-Somalis were ordered to read some verses of the holy Koran, and those who failed to read were ordered to lie down. One by one they were shot in the head at point blank range."Some Somalis were shot after pleading with the gunmen to spare non-Somali passengers, Mr Mahat added.
The attack comes after a week  after Security forces raided mosques in the city, saying they were being used to store weapons. The raids triggered apparent revenge attacks by Muslim youths.

Kenya has experience a series of al-Shabab attacks since it sent troops to Somalia three years ago to help fight the militant group.

Source- AfP/BBC/Mailonlone

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