Saturday 22 November 2014

Ebola Relief: Team of 30 including GPs, nurses, psychiatrists and emergency medicine consultants,sent to Sierra Leone

The first NHS staff will depart for Sierra Leone today to join the fight against Ebola.
A group of around 30 including GPs, nurses, psychiatrists and emergency medicine consultants, will arrive in the the west African country’s capital Freetown early tomorrow morning.
They are the first wave of NHS volunteers to be deployed by the Government.
Following their arrival they will complete a week of training before moving to British-built Ebola treatment centres across the country.

They will then start work diagnosing and treating those who have contracted the virus, which has killed more than 5,000 people.

More teams of volunteers are set to leave in the coming weeks after hundreds came forward to offer their services.
Professor Tony Redmond, head of the charity UK Med, said:”The actions of these selfless volunteers in going and the actions of their colleagues and managers to release them and cover for their duties is testimony if ever there was to the altruism that lies at the core of the NHS. I am very proud of them all”.
International Development Secretary Justine Greening said Britain’s response to the crisis was one of its biggest to a disease outbreak, with almost 1,000 military personnel, scientists, healthcare and aid workers already on the ground.
She added: “But to beat Ebola we desperately need the experience and dedication of skilled doctors and nurses to care for the thousands of sick and dying patients who are not receiving the treatment they need.
Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said “I want to thank the brave NHS volunteers who are heading to Sierra Leone today to help in the fight against Ebola. They embody the values at the heart of our health service, and their expertise and dedication is second to none.”

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