Saturday 22 November 2014

HIV positive mother conceives two babies naturally after diagnosis - and her baby and husband are free of the virus.

Source: An HIV positive mother is pregnant with her second baby since being diagnosed with the virus, having conceived both children naturally.
Amanda Mammadova was diagnosed with HIV in 2010 - three months after first meeting her now husband, Ali.
The couple married eight months later. Desperate to start a family they considered the risks of conceiving naturally.
Knowing Mrs Mammadova's viral load - the amount of HIV in her blood - was low, Mr Mammadova said he was prepared to take the low risk so the couple could realise their dream of having a baby.
Their daughter, 21-month-old Saabria, was born HIV negative and Mrs Mammadova is now pregnant with their second child.
Amanda Mammadova, who is HIV positive, is pregnant with her second child after she and her husband Ali chose to try and conceive naturally, having done so with their daughter Saabria
Amanda Mammadova, who is HIV positive, is pregnant with her second child after she and her husband Ali chose to try and conceive naturally, having done so with their daughter Saabria.
The couple's daughter Saabria was born HIV negative and Mr Mammadova has regular tests
Mrs Mammadova 's viral load - the amount of HIV in her blood - is low, meaning the risk of transmission during sex is low, Mr Mammadova has regular tests
Her husband, who has regular tests, has not contracted the virus but will undergo another test shortly to check if he became infected while the couple were trying for their second baby.
The mother-of-one, from Milton Keynes, said she tried to persuade her husband to opt for 
insemination, but he was adamant they would try to conceive naturally.

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