Friday 7 March 2014

Dead woman in her garage for SIX YEARS without being discovered.

A worker was sent from the bank, who had long foreclosed on the house, to fix a leak in the roof when they made the grim discovery

A woman lay dead in her own garage for SIX YEARS before she was finally discovered.
The mummified body was found this week when a bank worker visited the property to fix a leak in the roof.
With payments still regularly coming out the woman's account nobody was none the wiser as to the fate of the occupant.
When the money eventually ran dry the bank foreclosed on the house in Pontiac, Michigan.
It was only when the worker was sent to the house this week that the grim discovery was made - according to CNN.
The woman's body was found sitting upright in the backseat of her car with the key still halfway in the ignition.
Authorities still don't know what happened to the woman, who is described only as in her 40s and of German descent.
Her full identity won't be fully revealed until they inform her next of kin.
Despite not been lived in for as many as six years the house was never broken into and never fell into disrepute.
It is understood a friendly neighbour mowed the front lawn for the owner for years.
Cause of death won't be known until a toxicology report is returned but early reports suggest there were no signs of trauma.

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