Saturday 8 March 2014

239 may have died in air crash as Boeing 777 mysteriously vanishes over Vietnam two hours after taking off.

DailMailUK: A major search and rescue operation is today underway after a Malaysian Airlines plane carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew disappeared off the coast of Vietnam, after losing contact with air traffic controllers.
The Boeing 777 took off from Kuala Lumpur at 12.21am (4.21pm GMT) bound for Beijing, where it was expected to land at 6.30am (10.30pm GMT).
But after reaching 35,000ft and 120 nautical miles off the coast of the Malaysian town of Kota Bharu the plane vanished, prompting fears the aircraft 'could have crashed'.
Grief: Family and friends waiting for the plane to arrive break down as they hear the jet has gone missingAnxious: Families of those on board face an anxious wait for news of the search mission at Kuala Lumpur airport
Families of those on board face an anxious wait for news of the search mission at Kuala Lumpur airport

The Malaysian Transport Minister said 14 hours into the search and rescue missions, that no trace of a crash site in the sea has been found.
'We are doing everything in our power to locate the plane. We are doing everything we can to ensure every possible angle has been addressed,' Transport Minister Hishamuddin Hussein told reporters near the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
Malaysian Airlines has confirmed the majority of those on board are from Malaysia and China, with four Americans, two Canadians and seven Australians and passengers from France.
'It's either on the ground somewhere, intact, or possibly it has gone down in the water.'
Aviation experts said that if the report of the aircraft suddenly plunging was correct it could be due to a number of factors.

These include a catastrophic engine failure; the pilots taking evasive action to avoid another aircraft; or an explosion.
The airline has not said whether the pilots were able to issue a distress call - but if they did not, experts said this could indicate a catastrophy that had occurred without warning.
At Beijing's airport, authorities posted a notice asking relatives and friends of passengers to gather to a hotel about 15km from the airport to wait for further information, and provided a shuttle bus service.
A woman wept on the shuttle bus while saying on a mobile phone: 'They want us to go to the hotel. It cannot be good.'
A waiting area for family and friends was also set up at the Kuala Lumpur airport the flight had left from.
Fuad Sharuji, Malaysian Airlines' vice president of operations control, told CNN that the plane was flying at an altitude of 35,000ft and that the pilots had reported no problem with the aircraft.
The Boeing jet lost contact with Malaysian air traffic controllers a little over two hours into its flight.
Grief: Family and friends waiting for the plane to arrive break down as they hear the jet has gone missing
Grief: Family and friends waiting for the plane to arrive break down as they hear the jet has gone missing
Despair: There were 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which took off from Kuala Lumpur bound for Beijing
Despair: There were 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which took off from Kuala Lumpur bound for Beijing

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