Tuesday 21 January 2014

Vietnam sentences 30 heroin smugglers to death including NINE females.

Thirty drug smugglers have been sentenced to death in Vietnam for trafficking more than 12 tons of heroin in the communist country's largest-ever narcotics case.
The 21 men and nine women, all Vietnamese, were found guilty of drug trafficking, while a further 59 defendants were handed sentences ranging up to life in prison.
'This was Vietnam's largest ever trial in terms of defendants, the number of death penalties given out and the amount of heroin involved,' presiding judge Ngo Duc said.
Justice en masse: Some 89 defendants are each flanked by two police officers as they are sentenced for heroin smuggling after Vietnam's biggest-ever drugs trial
Justice en masse: Some 89 defendants are each flanked by two police officers as they are sentenced for heroin smuggling after Vietnam's biggest-ever drugs trial
'Because of the large number of defendants and the seriousness of the case, the trial was held at the prison,' Mr Duc added after the 17-day trial.
Facing lethal injection: Judges condemned 30 people to death for their part in trafficking the 12-ton haul
Facing lethal injection: Judges condemned 30 people to death for their part in trafficking the 12-ton haul
Due to problems with both procuring and producing domestically the chemicals required for lethal injections, some lawmakers have called for a return to executions by firing squad.

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