Monday 27 January 2014

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un 'executes the family of his uncle Jang Song-Thaek'

The direct relatives of the executed uncle of Kim-Jong-Un have been put to death upon the orders of the North Korean leader, it has been reported.
Jang Song-Thaek's children, brothers and grandchildren have been condemned to death, according to media reports in South Korea.
Jang, 67, was executed last month, after being accused of plotting to overthrow the communist regime.
Executed: North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, right, is said to have ordered that all relatives of his uncle Jang Song-Thaek, left, were put to death following his order to execute his uncle last month
Executed: North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, right, is said to have ordered that all relatives of his uncle Jang Song-Thaek, left, were put to death following his order to execute his uncle last month
Sources told the Yonhap News Agency it is unclear exactly when the family members were killed, but they are believed to have been put to death after Jang's execution on December 12.
Among those allegedly executed were Jang's sister Jang Kye-Sun, her husband and Ambassador to Cuba Jon Yong-Jin and Jang's nephew and Ambassador to Malaysia Jang Yong-Chol, as well as his two sons.
The children and grandchildren of Jang's two brothers are also said to have been killed.

 source said: 'The executions of Jang's relatives mean that no traces of him should be left.
'The purge of the Jang Song-thaek people is under way on an extensive scale from relatives and low-level officials.'
The family were recalled to the Pyongyang area of the country by Ministry of State troops in early December before being killed, sources said.
It has been reported some relatives were shot to death in front of other people if they resisted as they were dragged from their homes.
Jang Song-thaek was executed in December, accused of plotting to overthrow the communist regimeNorth Korean leader Kim Jong-un is said to have ordered the execution of his uncle's family

Plot: Kim Jong-Un, right gave orders for his uncle Jang, left, to be executed after he was alleged to have plotted to overthrow the communist regime. South Korean media have reported Jang's children, brothers and grandchildren have now been condemned to death by the North Korean leader
Some relatives by marriage, including the wife of the Malaysian ambassador, are said to have been spared from execution, and instead have been sent to remote villages with their families, sources have said.
Yonhap's report has yet to be corroborated but in North Korea a culture of 'guilt by association' has prevailed for years with family members of those convicted of crimes facing severe punishment, even death, for decades.
Kim Jong-Un's former mentor Mr Song-Thaek was accused of a number of crimes against the state.
They included plotting a coup, misappropriating resources, womanising, abusing his position of power and 'dreaming different dreams' to the regime.
North Korea stunned the world by announcing the execution of the man once seen as the dictator's political regent.
His death marks the biggest political upheaval since the 30-year-old inherited power.
The Kim dynasty has ruled the isolated country for more than six decades.
Mr Song-Thaek is the husband of Jong-un's biological aunt, the sister of his father Kim Jong-Il.

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