Wednesday 29 January 2014

Man stabbed victim 171 times, after posting on FACEBOOK.

Brutal: Ewan Dow (left) stabbed victim Daniel Turner 171 times
Brutal: Ewan Dow (left) stabbed victim Daniel Turner 171 times
A man who posted on FACEBOOK that he was planning to kill someone, before stabbing a man 171 times, has been jailed for life for his murder.
Ewan Dow attacked his 21-year-old victim Daniel Turner with "determined brutality" .

Before the horrendous attack, the 25-year-old killer had posted a chilling threat on Facebook warning of what he would do.
After pleading guilty to the murder at an earlier court appearance, High Court judge Lord Turnbull told Dow today that he must serve 18-and-a-half years before he is eligible for parole.
He said the period would have been 22 years but he reduced it because of Dow's guilty plea.
Lord Turnbull said there was no justification for Dow's attack on Mr Turner.
He said: "You had simply decided that you would vent your frustration and anger and that he was to serve as the victim for that purpose. He was presumably selected because of his placid manner."
Lord Turnbull said that the attack was "truly horrific" and showed "a level of determined brutality which must be responded to severely.
"I can only imagine the infliction of so many injuries must mean that you kept on stabbing him till you reached the stage where you had exhausted yourself," he added.
"Given that you decided with no form of provocation that you were going to inflict wounds on an innocent young man and did so 171 times, this should be treated as an exceptionally serious crime."
In a statement released after the sentencing, the Crown Office said that there is no evidence of any history of animosity between Dow and his victim.
He left and returned to his home on Alexander Road, Glenrothes, and posted "you've got 3 minutes to save ma life" on his Facebook page.
He poured oil on a pillow, placed it in a lit oven in the kitchen and left the flat at around 10.50pm.
Neighbours heard the smoke alarm at around 11.35pm and police and the fire service were called but did not find Dow in the flat and police tried to trace him.
He repeatedly told them all not to move and threatened to assault them if they called the police before taking a yellow-handled knife, with a blade of six to eight inches, from the kitchen which he repeatedly stabbed into a coffee table.
"His murder, during which he was stabbed 171 times, was an unprovoked, cold-blooded act of brutality. Yet again we see the catastrophic consequences that can result from mixing knives and alcohol.

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