Thursday 15 January 2015

A man obsessed with Katie Price is undergoing a £6k cosmetic surgery just to look like her

A man obsessed with Katie Price is undergoing cosmetic surgery in his quest to look just like his glamour queen idol.
Nathan Thursfield, 20, has a 'major fascination' with the Brighton-born star and was so desperate to emulate her that he decided to start copying her features - starting with her nose.
He first bonded with Katie, 36, when he met her at her book signing and the pair compared fake tans.
Nathan, pictured with the star before his nose job, even tweeted Katie, with whom he's become friends with, to show her the results. 'She thinks I'm mad,' he laughed
Nathan, pictured with the star before his nose job, even tweeted Katie, with whom he's become friends with, to show her the results. 'She thinks I'm mad,' he laughed
Nathan hated the way he looked and felt like his nose was too big, right, so he had a loan-funded nose job to make it look like Katie Price's 'dead petite and gorgeous nose''The surgeon thought I was joking when I told him what I wanted and he said the nose would be girly but I didn't care. I just told him not to make me look like Michael Jackson,' explained Nathan
Nathan hated the way he looked and felt like his nose was too big, left, so he had a loan-funded surgery to make it look like Katie Price's 'dead petite and gorgeous nose' - after the operation pictured right

Nathan took a loan to fund the surgery, which cost £6,500 - to have his nose reconstructed to look like her and even took a photo of her into the consultation with him.
However, Nathan admits he wants another nose job - and is planning on getting a bottom lift, which costs around £4,300, in September to emulate Katie's 'peachy' derriere and in May, he wants veneers so his teeth look like hers. He also got his eyebrows tattooed on to replicate her 'proper amazing' ones.
He said: 'I love Katie Price, I am fascinated by her and she's so gorgeous and down-to-earth. I love her ballsy attitude and her looks and where they've got her.
'Ever since I saw her in real life at her book signing a few years ago, I wanted to do what she does.' 
Nathan, whose boyfriend of five years supports his decisions, hated his appearance and felt like his nose was too big so he decided to do something about it - and looked to his idol for inspiration.

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