Thursday 15 January 2015

'How heroin destroyed our beautiful girl': Heartbroken family releases shocking pictures of their talented student daughter before she died aged 26 after struggle against drug addiction.

A bereaved family has spoken out over the dangers of heroin after a promising college student died of an overdose at the age of just 26.
Leanne Johnson, a trainee hairdresser who resorted to prostitution to fund her drug addiction.
After: Leanne is pictured under the influence of drugs; her family took these photographs to show her in a bid to shock her into changing her behaviour
Leanne was found dead in her bedroom surrounded by drug paraphernalia including a syringe in an ashtray and a crack pipe in her handbag.
Her sister Melane Gatis said: 'Leanne has had a last-minute blip and we still don't know why. I just think, she succeeded in kicking her habit and then embarked on a moment of madness which cost her life.

'We honestly thought we'd got our sister back. It's heartbreaking - Leanne was fun-loving, funny and she was just really looking forward to her future.'
Leanne had had a good upbringing and worked in a number of shops while studying at college, but when she was 18 started a relationship with a man who got her hooked on drugs.
At one point she was smoking a rock of crack cocaine and injecting six bags of heroin every day, the hearing was told, and she sold her body in order to get the money she needed for drugs. 
She split with her boyfriend but her habit worsened when he died from heroin abuse, and she started to go missing - on one occasion for several weeks.

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