Thursday 22 January 2015

Married bodybuilding duo spend $80,000 a year maintaining their perfect bodies.

Image-obsessed Buck and Michelle Miller claim to be the world's best looking couple - and spend a massive £50,000 each year maintaining their image.

Mirrors and portraits of the couple cover almost every wall of their Las Vegas home and they constantly try to improve their chiseled physiques.
The couple fork out £4,000 each month on manicures, pedicures, haircuts, tanning and gym membership and are so serious about staying in shape that they prepare every meal days in advance.
Buck and Michelle Miller from Las Vegas spend £40k a month on their looks and claim they are the hottest couple in America. They eat six high-protein meals every day, all planned in advance, and never have carbs

'If there was a competition for the world's best looking couple, I would sign up right now.
Michelle, 33, has 34D breast implants, is 5ft 7in and weighs just over ten stone, with a 26in waist and 33in hips, while Buck weighs a little over 13 stone
Buck only began bodybuilding competitively in April this year but has already won showsMichelle, who has been competing in the fitness category since 2011 has always been into fitness but started training competitively four years ago
Buck only began bodybuilding competitively in April this year but has already won shows, Michelle, 
who has been competing in the fitness category since 2011 started training competitively four yrs ago

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