Tuesday 6 January 2015

Boyfriend saves partner's life by giving her his KIDNEY .

Most girlfriends receive perfume or jewellery for Christmas, however, 36-yr-old Suzanne Davies received her boyfriend's kidney. Now this is what I call TRUE LOVE....lols
Devoted Neil Parry saved his partner's life by donating his organ to the 36-year-old, after discovering he was a million-to-one match.
Suzanne has suffered with a rare disorder of the adrenal glands, called Addison's disease, since she was just eight years old.
Devoted: Neil Parry donated his kidney to his long-term partner Suzanne Davies - both pictured in the University Hospital of Wales after the operation in December last year
Suzanne underwent the lifesaving kidney transplant in the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, in December after her partner of 10 years proved a near-perfect match.
The mother to two children was told she was in renal failure by doctors and either needed to go on dialysis or have her kidney replaced.
Despite finding it a daunting prospect, businessman Neil stepped up to help the love of his life.
'He is my hero and my saviour,' Suzanne said.
'I'm so lucky to have him in my life. For the last 10 years we have been together he has seen me suffer with my health. He could have walked away but he didn't.
'He has stuck with me through thick and thin and now he has given me a new lease of life. I can't thank him enough.'
She has needed regular medication for nearly three decades to replace two essential hormones she lacks in her body called cortisol and aldosterone. 

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