Thursday 12 June 2014

Anastasia 19 and Maguel 18 plunged to their death while 'having sex on a sixth floor balcony'.

Two teenagers fell to their deaths from a balcony yesterday as they cuddled at a party to mark the end of their exams.
Anastasia Tutik, a 19-year-old Russian, and a Mexican known only as Miguel, 18, were in a clinch when they lost their balance.
The drop of more than 60ft from the sixth floor killed them instantly.

Two teenagers died after plunging from the sixth floor balcony (circled) of this riverside apartment block'Tragic accident': Anastasia Tutik, 19, fell from a sixth-floor balcony with an 18-year-old man who has not yet been identified shortly after midnight in Deptford, south east London. They were believed to be at a party
The 18-year-old man who has not yet been identified shortly after midnight in Deptford, south east London.
Samson Oguntayo, 32, who lives in a neighbouring block, said: ‘They were trying to have sex on the balcony. The guy was lifting the girl and putting her on the bannister, he kept on doing it.
‘You could see they were doing some really dangerous stuff.
‘At some point friends must have come outside and they got down and came back inside and the came back out again. They started doing it again.
‘You see people on the balcony doing all sorts of things and I just felt they will probably go back inside. The last thing I expected was to see them falling down. We just screamed.’
Samson Oguntayo discovered the bodies of the two teenagers this morning
Mr Oguntayo said he ran to the scene and discovered both teenagers lying dead in a pool of blood on a stone patio.
He dialled 999 but paramedics could do nothing to save either teenager. Witnesses said the pair’s friends were hysterical.
Shradha Chaturvedi, 31, who lives on the second floor of the block, said: ‘I heard a very, very loud noise and a lady screaming.
‘Initially I heard a boom and at first I thought a firework had gone off or something. My husband came down and there were two guys outside who were totally drunk.’

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