Wednesday 18 June 2014

A Secret millionaire who lay dead in her flat for up to six months before being discovered, has left a £1m fortune

A pensioner who lay dead in her flat for up to six months before being discovered left a fortune of almost £1million, it has emerged.
Agnes Brotherston, 75, was found in her home in November after police were called to the property.
Neighbours of Mrs Brotherston, who lived alone, raised the alarm after noticing an odour and flies coming from the flat.
Secret millionaire: Agnes Brotherston, who lay dead in her flat for up to six months before being discovered, has left a £1m fortune
It was thought she may have been dead since the summer but was only discovered when police officers entered the property.

It has now emerged that she had a fortune of £936,309 at the time of her death.
In her recently published will, Mrs Brotherston instructed that the money should go to her two daughters.
A neighbour said she had not been in touch with her daughters for several years.
Tonight, one of her daughters, Mrs Dyer,  described it as ‘a non-story’.
Mrs Brotherston said she wanted her estate to be split between her daughters.
One of her daughter's said today: ‘It is a non-story. I don’t want to talk about it.’
Neighbours of Mrs Brotherston, who lived alone, raised the alarm after noticing an odour and flies coming from the flat.
At the time, one resident, who didn’t wish to be named, said: 'I can’t believe this has happened here.
'She only moved in earlier in the year and to think of her lying there dead for so long is terrible.
'She used to stay here but then moved away to another part of the village. However she liked Weirs Gate so much that she bought the house which was up for rent at the time.'
In her recently published will, Mrs Brotherston instructed that the money should go to her two daughters. Her neighbours said she lived a quiet and modest life.
They added: 'She kept herself quiet most of the time but when you got talking to her she was very pleasant and always enjoyed a laugh with people she met.
'It’s sad to think that old lady was lying there all that time and no one missed her. It makes you feel a bit guilty.'

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