Tuesday 4 March 2014

Boy 12-yr-old who raped his seven-year-old sister after watching hardcore porn.

The 12-year-old sexually assaulted his sister on around six occasions after watching porn at a friend's house

A 12-year-old schoolboy who raped his seven-year-old sister after he watched hardcore porn on the internet.
Court heard the boy had viewed pornography in the company of his friends before he gained "a desire to try it out".
He committed a number of sexual offences against his sister between March and May last year.
The boy, now aged 13, pleaded guilty to one count of rape, two counts of indecent assault and one count of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.
In a statement, the offender said he was "disgusted" with his actions and promised it would not happen again.
Detaining him would "tear the family apart" and would expose him to "hardened and sophisticated" youth offenders, he added.
In a victim impact statement, the girl said she was "sad" at what her brother had done but she wanted him to come home because she loved him and missed playing games with him.
Judge said the referral order would be "intense" and was specifically tailored to deal with last year's events.
He said it would be "a tough haul" for his parents, who were also confronting the abuse of their daughter, but he said he felt they were "going to get there".
It is understood the boy had viewed porn on an Xbox games console at a friend's house.
The content had led to "sexual conversation" between the group of friends, the court heard.
The boy attended the court with his father and a social worker, who sat by him as he confirmed his name, address and date of birth.
Parveen Akhtar, prosecuting, told the court the girl had struggled to remember the sequence of events but she recalled on one occasion that her brother came into her room at night and led her by the arm into his bedroom.
He took her pyjama bottoms off and then undressed himself before he laid on top of her, she said.
She said she thought her brother had touched her on six separate occasions.
The boy is currently living away from the family home but in a victim impact statement his sister said she wanted him to return.
"I feel sad what (the defendant) did," she said. "I want him to go to our house so I can play games with him. I love (the defendant)."
His parents had monitored his internet use at home and could not be criticised in that regard, he added.
Judge told the boy: "I think it is highly improbable that you will do anything like this again. You do not represent a danger to society.
"You yourself realised what you had done. In your own words you felt disgusted with yourself."
He said the alternative sentence of a detention and training order would put the "unsophisticated, immature" boy in company with "hardened" youth offenders.
That risked sending him in the opposite direction than the judge intended. He said the aim was to keep the family together.

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