Saturday 1 March 2014

Bloody clashes on the streets of Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been granted permission by his parliament this afternoon to use the country's military in Ukraine.
The move could formalise what Ukrainian officials described as an armed occupation taking place in the strategic region of Crimea.
It came as supporters of Russia and the new Ukrainian government clashed elsewhere in the country, with bloodied protesters visible on the streets of Kharkiv after a show of strength from pro-Russian activists.

Wounded protesters: Pro-European activists were bloodied today after clashes with activists who favour closer ties with Russia
Wounded protesters: Pro-European activists were bloodied today after clashes with activists who favour closer ties with Russia
Under attack: This supporter of the newly-established government was hurt at a demonstration in Karkiv in the north-east of the country
Under attack: This supporter of the newly-established government was hurt at a demonstration in Karkiv in the north-east of the country
Attacks: Supporters of Russia smashed into this regional government building in the Kharkiv protests today
A wounded supporter of Ukraine's new government stood back from the crowds of pro-Russian protesters

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