Sunday 11 January 2015

Woman finds out she's pregnant then gives birth to 10lb baby ONE HOUR later

It was the shock of a lifetime for Katie Kropas when, after suffering from lower back pains, she was told by doctors that she was pregnant.
But that wasn't all.
Within one hour of discovering she was carrying a baby, the 23-year-old had given birth to at healthy 10lb, two ounce baby girl.
"I came in with lower back pain on Tuesday morning," Katie said.
"Later that night they put me in for an ultrasound, they took one look and rushed me off into labour."
And it was less than one hour later that Katie was holding her new baby girl in her arms.

Woman learns she's pregnant then gives birth to 10lb baby an hour later

"I found out that I was having a baby at 10.15pm and she was born at 11.06pm."
But the new mum maintains she had no idea that she was pregnant.
"I started to feel like I had put on some weight but I had been [thinking] maybe that was just Christmas," she explained.
Katie has decided to name her new baby Ellie, after her grandmother.
Speaking to the New York Daily News, Katie said people in the hospital had been joking about her situation.
"They just say, 'you were carrying around 10 extra pounds and you didn't know it?' I don't know why I didn't know. I mean, I'm just excited and I appreciate everyone who is helping."
Origina Source

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