Monday 5 January 2015

See Lucky Seven-year-old Sole survivor of plane crash that killed her whole family.

The seven-year-old survivor of a horror plane crash that killed her family tried to wake up her dead parents before struggling on to safety.

The horrific crash killed the parents, sister and cousin of Sailor Gutzler, who was left alone in a forest after dark with a broken wrist and almost a mile away from any help.
But before she struggled through the thick brush, the child tried to wake up her dead relatives, thinking they might be asleep.
Sailor tried to rouse the family members to no avail. She told Larry Wilkins, whose door she ended up at after her desperate walk to safety, but they 'wouldn't wake up', according to ABC News.
Found her way: Sailor Gutzler, seven, walked barefoot with broken bones through thorns in the dark to find help

Wreckage: The plane, headed from Florida to Illinois, crashed over Kentucky Friday night
The plane, headed from Florida to Illinois, crashed over Kentucky Friday night
A Kentucky State police spokesman also said: 'She indicated to us that she believed her family was deceased but that she hoped they were just sleeping.'
It came as remaining relatives set up a fund to provide for the girl.
A family spokesman said: 'The Gutzler family mourns the loss of Marty, Kim and Piper Gutzler and Sierra Wilder.
Original Source
'We are devastated by this loss, but are confident that they rest in God's loving arms. We ask that you respect our privacy at this difficult time. Please pray for us, especially for Sailor Gutzler.'

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