Wednesday 23 July 2014

Husband kills wife with hammer 'after finding text she sent to another man'

A sleeping mum was battered to death by her hammer-wielding husband after he found a text message she sent to another man, a court heard.
Danish Irfan, 22, hit wife Ridda Zanab's skull so hard with the weapon that fragments of bone were forced into her brain, killing her within minutes.

The jury heard that the sustained attack, which involved at least 10 blows as his wife lay asleep under a duvet, was sparked by the discovery of the text which read: "I luv yu, mwahhh, gud nyt."
Ridda, 21, had only given birth to Irfan's daughter two months before the killing.
After the death at their home in, Irfan changed his blood-stained clothing and took their baby in a taxi to where Ridda's family lived nearby.
Jonathan Sharp, prosecuting, told Bradford crown court that Irfan told a series of lies to his wife's family, including that the victim had "kicked off" and left their home.
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