Monday 23 December 2013

Barack Obama and family look so bored at basketball game.

The US president and family attended the Oregon State University vs University of Akron match in Honolulu but weren't exactly engrossed

Not-so-glad tidings: First Lady Michelle yawns as President Obama and daughters Sasha and Malia can't bear to watch
Not-so-glad tidings: First Lady Michelle yawns as President Obama and daughters Sasha and Malia can't bear to watch

It may not have been the most thrilling game but America’s first family look like they would rather be spending their holiday doing anything but watching basketball.
President Barack Obama checked his phone, while Michelle and and their daughters Malia, 15, and Sasha, 12, looked decidedly bored at the Stan Sheriff Center in Honolulu in Hawaii on Sunday.

US President Barack Obama checks his cel
Call of duty: US President Barack Obama checks his phone

They were there to watch the Oregon State University vs University of Akron college basketball game.
Michelle’s brother, Craig Robinson, is the coach of Oregon State.
The President had entered the arena to loud cheers and high-fived Beaver fans on the way to his courtside seat.
Maybe it was the fact that the Beaver's lost 83 to 71 that the Obamas looked so glum.
Or perhaps it was the interruption to their Obama is in Hawaii for a 17-day Hawaii vacation out of Washington’s political bubble.

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