Monday 16 March 2015

Woman, 45, dies after going into cardiac during $11k PLASTIC SURGERY....

A woman went into cardiac arrest during an $11,000 liposuction procedure at a New York plastic surgery clinic and was pronounced dead in hospital.
Simone Jones, 45, of Brooklyn underwent the operation on February 9 at Lexington Plastic Surgeons in Manhattan when her heart rate dropped.
Simone Jones (above), 45, of Brooklyn went into cardiac arrest during an $11,000 liposuction procedure at a New York plastic surgery clinic and was pronounced dead in hospital
At the time, her surgery was allegedly 98 per cent complete, the plastic surgeon, Dr. Alan Bienstock told Jones' daughter, Shantay.
The cause of Simone's death remains under investigation as the city medical examiner awaits test results, and Jones' family lawyer has also demanded an investigation by the Department of Health, the New York Daily News.
Simone, a mental health aide and mother-of-four, had saved the funds to pay for liposuction on her legs, arms and back, a buttocks lift and a tummy tuck.
Shantay, 26, said her mother was looking forward to showing off her new look.
'She was very attractive and looked young for her age and she wanted the whole package. She took pride in her appearance,' she said.
She was told there was a complication and to go to Bellevue Hospital as soon as possible.
When she arrived, Dr Bienstock along with other doctors shared the news about her mother, explaining that her heart rate dropped while they were working on her buttocks.

'Ms. Jones, an otherwise healthy woman went in for an ambulatory procedure and apparently her vital signs were not being properly monitored so as to allow this tragedy to occur,' said the family's lawyer, Scott Rynecki. 

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