Sunday 2 February 2014


Think Positive Things!(Fake it until you make it)
Our minds are so powerful that our thoughts have a physical effect on our bodies. We wear our bad thoughts like clothes and people are perceptive without realising it. They can often misinterpret the vibe you are giving off, as you being a bit of a bitch…which is only going to add to your crap day.
When you play out happy thoughts in your mind and visualise great moments from your past or your future, you start to radiate good energy. Fake it until you make it. You can affect the people around you and yourself, physically and mentally, when you choose to think positive thoughts. Choose to think of positive things and youwill find, that even if you feel utterly rubbish it will have physical effect on your body/your posture.

Your imagination is a powerful thing. If you don’t believe me try imagining you are eating a lemon, suck on the lemon and feel the juices in your mouth, imagine squeezing the juice and drinking it. You immediately get the same feeling as when you are eating a lemon!! The very thought of imagining it creates the same physicalreaction as when you are actually eating a lemon. Your saliva glands start going mental!! So imagine what being in a negative mood and thinking negative thoughts has on your mind, your body, your posture, the people around you, and I haven’t even bothered going in to how detrimental it is to your health.

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