Monday 10 February 2014

I asked my boyfriend of 2yrs to leave but found I'm pregnant. Shall I keep the baby?

From a female AOB reader, what do you think?
Pregnancy test
I am 40 and I've been with my boyfriend for two years, but have never been madly in love or in lust. Last year I became pregnant and lost the baby at 16 weeks. We were both deeply upset. I have now discovered I am pregnant again – just after asking my boyfriend to leave the house we share (which I own).
He agreed and has moved out for us to think about what we want to do. He is a lovely, decent, honest, kind man. The rows have been instigated by me and my brattish behaviour. My boyfriend has now told me he "did not sign up for this", that he would like me to abort the child as he has tried many times and we always get to the same hurtful place. He doesn't want a child in a broken relationship and I suspect he wants to be free of me. I have started counselling, as I'm negative, bullying and rarely show love verbally. I have a long road to go to become open to good, loving emotions, but in the meantime I am being asked to get rid of a child, which – at nearly 41 – I fear I will never have the chance to have again. Please what do you think I do???

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