Monday 10 February 2014

Beyonce had an affair with PRESIDENT OBAMA....

Below is how MediaTakeOut reported it. 

Did Beyonce had an affair with President Obama? Funny.....Lol....Anything is possible, but this one is highly unlikely. According to the French Press, Beyonce and President Obama had an affair y'all. Here is what they are reporting in the French version of Glamour magazine, not the National enquirer y'all, Glamour magazine" MTO writes

Sultry: Beyonce stole the show when she joined Jay Z live on stage at the DirecTV Super Bowl party at Pier 40 on Saturday
This morning the paparazzi Pascal Rostain invited the largest direct media Jean- Marc Morandini on Europe 1. According to him, the American press [will] disclose tomorrow, Tuesday, February 11, 2014 , a "love affair" between Barack Obama and Beyonce[He explained], "You know, at this time, the United States, there is something big that is happening. Moreover, it will come out tomorrow in an edition of the Washington Post, [so] we can not say the alleged affair between President Barack Obama and Beyoncé is being reported on by the gutter press."
Already last week , the National Enquirer indicated that the U.S. presidential couple was on the verge of divorce and multiplied disputes.

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