Tuesday 24 December 2013

Queen Okafor, Nigeria's Hairiest Woman.

Queen said she started noticing the hair at unusual places at the age of 21. When this reporter met Queen in a bus going to Oshodi from Mile 2, in Lagos some months ago, passengerswere starring at her embarrassingly. As the lady tried to hide her face, more eyes were on her, thus arousing much interest from co-passengers. Queen eventually opened up to this reporter, maintaining that she was not using the story to beg for money or as a form of publicity stunt, but only to draw the attention of  NGOs to fight for women with such rare disability as hers. Queen believes that she is a normal person with unwanted recognition from the society. She told Sunday Sun: 
“My name is Queen Nonyerem Okafor. I am from Anambra State. We are five children from our parents, three girls and two boys. I inherited the hairs from my mum and it runs in the family.  Once you get to 21 to 23 years  in our family, you start experiencing hair growth.  I am 26 years old now, when I was in secondary school, much hairs were not on my body. It started when I finished my secondary school. 

She revealed to Sunday Sun that the change on her skin initially made her uncomfortable, but following advice from good people, her confidence was boosted.  In her words: “The first time it started to grow on my body, I was ashamed, but someone advised me that I shouldn’t bother, that it is a blessing not a curse. The person told me that I am unique, besides, wherever I go, I would be recognised. She advised me that I shouldn’t be ashamed, rather that I should be proud of myself. It was her that gave me strength and boosted my self esteem. Some people think that I am a man. Some
 think I fixed my breast to deceive people. Men especially find it difficult to believe that I am a woman. It was when we interact that most men are reassured that I am a woman. It has made me to be very popular and recognised in public. It has boosted my confidence to socialize. People want to identify with me to know the stuff I am made of. Some want to find out where this girl is coming from. People call and dash me money because of my hairy nature, but I don’t beg for money.”

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