Sunday 8 December 2013

8 Embarrassing Body Problems

1. Body odour

Body Odour can be very unpleasant and we've all been in a situation – be it on a train, bus or lift – where we have been forced to endure it. But everybody sweats because perspiration is one of the ways to regulate our body temperature. 

Sweat itself doesn't smell, but it's a wonderful place for bacteria to live on our skin. The bacteria breaks down sweat into aromatic fatty acids, which produce the unpleasant odour. Excessive sweating can also occur in certain situations, such as when you are stressed or anxious.

What can you do: use a good antiperspirant deodorant. Avoid coffee, tea, chocolate, or any food high in caffeine, hot or spicy foods.

2. Bladder weakness

Accidentally leaking urine when you sneeze, cough, laugh or exercise can be embarrassing. Known as stress urinary incontinence (SUI), it's estimated that around one in three women get stress incontinence at some point in their lives. It can happen at any age, although it's more common in women between the ages of 35 and 60.

It's thought SUI is due to weakness of the sphincter muscle and the pelvic floor muscles that support the organs in your pelvis and abdomen. There are several things that can weaken your pelvic floor – such as pregnancy, childbirth, being overweight and smoking. 

What can you do: it can be managed by non-drug methods, such as pelvic floor exercises, behavioural therapy and lifestyle changes. If other treatments for urinary incontinence have failed, surgery may be considered.


Oil-producing sebaceous glands, which lie just below the surface of the skin, are the cause of most spots. They produce a natural oil called sebum through the hair follicles onto your skin's surface. Spots are formed when a pore becomes blocked by a plug of dead skin cells mixed with sebum. This tends to happen when the sebaceous gland produces more sebum than usual.

What can you do: depending on how bad your acne is, your doctor may choose to treat you or refer you to a dermatologist. Acne can be treated with medications that are either applied to the skin or taken by mouth. Other ways to prevent spots include getting a skincare routine in place, exfoliating once a week and eating a healthy diet.

4. Man boobs

Man boobs (gynecomastia) – or 'moobs' – have become an increasing problem for men, especially with rising obesity levels and exposure to female hormones. Men are now in contact with higher levels of oestrogen – food and tap water now contain more than ever before. 

What can you do: being fit and active can help reduce man boobs, so make sure you exercise and eat a healthy diet.

5. Bad breath

Most of us suffer from bad breath now and then – but persistent halitosis can be a cause of embarrassment for many. Bad breath is usually brought on by the breakdown of proteins by bacteria somewhere in the mouth. However there are other medical reasons, such as dental decay, gum disease and throat and tonsil infection, which can be the cause. 

What can you do: if you have persistent bad breath, you should make an appointment with your dentist. Proper brushing techniques and regular flossing can also be very effective. Try brushing a furry tongue with a tongue cleaner.

6. Stretch marks

Stretch marks can occur when someone gains or loses weight rapidly. The skin is pulled when there is rapid growth, and when it's overstretched the collagen and elastin (which gives skin the elasticity and strength) becomes thinner and can break. 

Stretch marks are a normal part of puberty for teenagers, but these stretch marks associated with an adolescent growth spurt often disappear altogether. Many women also get stretch marks when they 
are pregnant. 

What can you do: try to avoid yo-yo dieting, and if you are dieting aim to lose weight over time. Look after your skin by massaging it every day with moisturiser, or a massage glove can help improve your circulation and encourage new tissue growth.

7. Dandruff

Dandruff are visible flakes of skin (cells shed in clumps), which continuously shed from the scalp. Dandruff occurs when dead cells from the scalp fall off as new cells form beneath them. Everyone loses skin cells in this way. With dandruff the process is faster, so a greater number of cells are shed. 

What can you do: it's difficult to prevent dandruff completely, but it can be controlled. Try using an anti-dandruff or antifungal shampoo.

8. Hiccups

Most of us experience hiccups from time to time. They are caused by sudden contractions of the diaphragm. Hiccups can be triggered by:

• hot or cold food
• stress or excitement
• expansion of the stomach from swallowing air whilst eating or drinking
• acid reflux
• fizzy drinks.

In rare cases, hiccups can last for a long time. This can be tiring. With cases of hiccups that last longer than 48 hours, you should contact your GP for further investigation.

What can you do: everyone has their own method for curing hiccups. Try the following methods.

1. Hold your breath for several seconds and swallow when a hiccup is about to come.
2. Drink a glass of water from the wrong side of the glass.
3. Chew and swallow some dry bread.
4. Swallow while holding your nose closed.

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