Saturday 8 February 2014

Nigerian and Cameroonian pop star, Dencia gone international with her Bleaching Cream Called "Whitenicious".

A Nigerian and Cameroonian pop star who launched a skin cream called Whitenicious has defended her product after critics branded it an 'abomination' for promoting skin-bleaching.
In an interview with Ebony, Dencia claims that the skincare cream is intended to remove dark spots, and that it is out of her control if customers use it to whiten their entire skin.
Defending her own drastically altered appearance since she started using Whitenicious, the singer asserts: 'I was never that dark in real life... And guess what? I don't even care because [critics] are bringing me business.'
Before and after: Nigerian and Cameroonian pop star Denica has defended her skin cream, Whitenicious, after critics branded it an 'abomination' for promoting skin-bleaching (left, in 2011, and right, this year)Before and after: Nigerian and Cameroonian pop star Denica has defended her skin cream, Whitenicious, after critics branded it an 'abomination' for promoting skin-bleaching (left, in 2011, and right, this year)
Before and after: Nigerian and Cameroonian pop star Denica has defended her skin cream, Whitenicious, after critics branded it an 'abomination' for promoting skin-bleaching (right, in 2011, and left, this year)
Cultural phenomenon: Skin bleaching is a growing trend in Dencia's native West Africa, and critics are angered that it appears she is promoting it with her product

Cultural phenomenon: Skin bleaching is a growing trend in Dencia's native West Africa, and critics are angered that it appears she is promoting it with her product
According to the product website, Whitenicious - which bears the slogan, 'Say goodbye to pigmentation and spots forever' - effectively lightens skin in just seven days.

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