Sunday 8 May 2016

Women reveal what they learned from their last relationships.

Women have taken to Twitter to share what they learned from past relationships, from heart-wrenching realisations to witty observations.
The hashtag #LastRelationshipTaughtMe was trending this week as thousands flocked to impart their wisdom - with some concluding that they are happier single.
One woman wrote: 'A person that doesn't see a problem with their actions won't change, so stop expecting them to.' 

The hashtag #LastRelationshipTaughtMe was trending this week as thousands flocked to impart the wisdom they had gleaned from past relationships - with some concluding that they are happier single after all
The hashtag #LastRelationshipTaughtMe was trending this week as thousands flocked to impart the wisdom they had gleaned from past relationships - with some concluding that they are happier single after all
Another user, known only as Shimmer and believed to be from Baltimore, wrote: 'Once the chemistry is gone the history doesn't matter.' 
Alexis Threadcraft, from North Carolina, tweeted: 'I can't sacrifice my happiness for someone who won't do the same.' 
Renée Johnson said : 'Even though you plan a future together, it doesn't mean a year later you'll both still be on that path.'

In one brutally honest tweet, a woman from the British Virgin Islands wrote: 'If his mother still loves his ex, she's still in the family. Can't destroy that, it makes sense to leave.'
Another Twitter user wrote: 'If they act like ur absence doesn't affect their life 9/10 they really don't care about u even if they claim to.' 
One woman wrote: 'A person that doesn't see a problem with their actions won't change, so stop expecting them to,' while Carlie Lace wrote: 'That high school sweethearts aren't always that sweet'
One woman wrote: 'A person that doesn't see a problem with their actions won't change, so stop expecting them to,' while Carlie Lace wrote: 'That high school sweethearts aren't always that sweet'
Heartbreakingly, Carlie Lace wrote: 'That high school sweethearts aren't always that sweet,' while Janelle added: 'You'll never be good enough for someone who isn't ready.' 
Another user called A'Shonte tweeted: 'Even when you think everything is all good there's always something "better".'
One user revealed that her last previous relationship had taught her 'to never settle'. 
However, some had a more light-hearted take on the hashtag; Patricia Reyes, a student from Southern California, wrote: 'No one else can make me happier than myself (because no one else is gonna buy me every kind of Hot Cheeto but me).'
The popular hashtag first trended in July 2015, but it gained momentum once again this week after one woman tweeted what she's learned from her last relationship.

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