Tuesday 3 May 2016

Desperate parents plead for help after their son was born with 15 fingers and 16 toes

A baby has been born with a total of 31 fingers and toes to shocked parents who say there were no indications of his deformities on pre-natal scans.
The three-month-old boy, nicknamed Honghong, has 15 fingers and 16 toes. Incredibly, he also has two palms on each hand, with no thumbs, according to People's Daily Online.
His parents are now desperate to find medical treatment for him as doctors at their local hospital in Hunan, central China, tells them surgery will be extremely difficult.
Extreme: Honghong from Hunan, China, is born with extra fingers and toes in an extreme case of polydactyly
Reality: Both of Honghong's feet have eight toes while one of his hands has eight fingers and the other, seven
Reality: Both of Honghong's feet have eight toes while one of his hands has eight fingers and the other, seven
Honghong has an extreme case of polydactyly.
The medical condition, where children are born with extra fingers or toes, appears in approximately one in 1,000 cases. But to have so many extra digits is extremely rare. 
According to the report, Honghong's mother also suffers from polydactyly and has extra digits on both her hands and feet.
She was worried about passing it on to her child so she had multiple examinations at hospitals in Shenzhen, south China.
Genetic: Honghong's mother also suffers from the condition and was worried about passing her genes on

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