Saturday 12 April 2014

Boob Job Gone Wrong....Woman whose implants moved to her BACK and STOMACH.

This looks funny but ot funny, why do people do a boob job or bum agumemtation? 
This Chinese woman has spoken of her horror at discovering her breast implants had migrated to her back and stomach.
Tian Hui, 39, had plastic surgery to enhance her bust in 2002.
She had hoped the procedure would boost her confidence after she discovered her husband Chiu, 41, had cheated on her with a younger woman.
Hope: Mrs Tian has the operation in 2002 after she found discovering her husband had cheated on her with a younger woman. She had hoped the surgery would boost her confidenceBotched op: Tian Hui, 39, woke up with one of her implants on her back and the other on her stomach (pictured)
Tian Hui, 39, woke up with one of her implants on her back and the other on her stomach (pictured)
She had hoped the surgery would boost her confidence, But more than ten years after the surgery, her implants began.
Despite her efforts to push them back into place, they continued to move further away from her breasts.
She said: ‘I always believed we had a good marriage, at least until I discovered that he had been having an affair with a woman who was six years younger than me.’
The couple, from Guangzhou in China's Guangdong province, had been together for eight years, setting up a restaurant and building the business together to make it a financial success.
After she discovered the infidelity they decided to stay together for the sake of their family, but she still felt she was no longer attractive enough and decided to have plastic surgery.
Extreme case: Although her implants has been out of place for a while, it was the recent drastic movement of the implants that forced Mrs Tian to have surgeryNasty surprise: When doctors removed the implants they found the had been made by injecting the now banned substance polyacrylamide hydrophilic gel
When doctors removed the implants they found the had been made by injecting the now banned substance polyacrylamide hydrophilic gel
'But I couldn't believe it when I woke up one day several years later and realised they had actually moved.'
'But every time I went to sleep and woke up the next day, they had moved.
'And each time it was a further distance than the day before.
‘Eventually when I woke up one day and found that one of my breasts was on my back and the other was down by my stomach.
 Surgeons removed the implants from her back and stomach and replaced them with two new ones
removing the moving breasts and putting in new implants.

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