Monday 6 January 2014

Young mother is jailed for stabbing her boyfriend because he didn't call her every two hours.

Jailed: Rhiann Burnie from Burnley, Lancashire has been sentenced to two years and eight months

Rhiann Burnie, 21, from Burnley, Lancashire has been sentenced to two years and eight months. Rhiann left her boyfriend fighting for his life after she stabbed him for not calling her while on a night out has been jailed.

Rhiann Burnie, 21, punched bricklayer Shane McMullen, 23, then knifed him in the shoulder when he returned from a night out with friends.
She then casually lit up a cigarette while standing over his blood-soaked body.
Despite the wound, which severed a major artery and caused significant blood loss, Mr McMullen survived - but has suffered memory loss and has nightmares of being stabbed again.
Burnie who had a reprimand and a caution for battery on her criminal record admitted wounding and was jailed for two years and eight months. 
Sentencing, Recorder Andrew Long told Burnie: 'You sometimes deliberately set out to be confrontational with him. 
'Throughout all of this, Mr McMullen never used violence against you, which in the circumstances was extraordinarily restrained, given the provocation.
'I am satisfied you were well aware you had caused him serious injury. 
'Rather than offer him help or call an ambulance, you lit and smoked a cigarette. It’s clear Shane was close to death and only the skill of the medical team which operated on him saved his life.'
'He continues to suffer physical and psychological effects from what you did and is likely to do so for some considerable time.'
Burnley Crown Court was told the couple had been in a relationship for a year and initially were 'happy and healthy' yet a 'darker, more sinister side' of Burnie's character emerged.
Burnie had on two previous occasions turned on him with a knife with Mr McMullen having to wrestle it off her.

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